
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Work in Progress


So here's the song I'm working on. It obviously isn't finished, and I may never finish it. Credit for the melody has to go to my sister, by the way.


  1. Hey, nice tune! I think you should really try to finish it: it definitely sounds like it has potential. Love the chimey, happy church organ effect: makes you think of Easter Sunday or something like that. :D


  2. Awesome! Great use of those sound fonts! You definitely did get the organ to sound majestic; with the sloppy tune I had on there originally it wasn't going anyway, lol. Your sister did well with the melody. :) Also, I like how the theme is taken up by different instruments at different parts; it really adds something to it!

    Oh, just thought you should know, a friend from my church was visiting the blog to see some of my drawings and he came across this song; he said he really liked it! :D

    I hope to see more of your musical works soon! Long live Linux Multimedia Studios and all other such free open-source programs! :D

    -- Coyle

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry, noticed a mistake in the above comment so I deleted it. Here's what it said, with the mistake edited:

    Thanks, guys!

    Yeah, I really am indebted to Jayne (alias for my sister) for coming up with a good melody. Obviously it needs some more variety, but this is a good starting point.

    Glad you guys liked it. When/if I finish it, I'll post it here.

