
Wednesday, April 18, 2012


      From now on I'm going to title any drawings that I can't think of a name for "drawing", just for the record. Sometimes I get tired of having to think up names for everything, and therefore it becomes easier when I have some standard to go back to every time I get stuck. The b&w drawing is the original scan, and the rest are ones that I edited with Adobe Photoshop to add color. Since I couldn't decided just WHICH color to go with, I kept changing it, and therefore I ended up with four versions I liked about the same. View more than just the b&w version below by clicking the "read more" link, even though you'll be viewing more not actually reading more, as the button would have you believe.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Wish of a Name (Part 1)

Once upon a time there lived an ugly boy without a name. Staying in the house of a rich uncle on weekends, he remained happy those days. But on weekdays he must return to his real house with his family. It was not an ugly family, and all of the associates thereof had names.
“Who ever said I wanted a story written about me?”
You don’t have a name so you can’t sue me for putting you in a book. Technically, I could be writing about someone else.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Caterpillar Space Mission

      I Wrote this piece on my brother's birthday last year using Garage Bang. However, it isn't a Happy Birthday song or anything. :P There are two different versions that use less techno instruments, but the sound quality isn't as good.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Here is a drawing I did a couple weeks ago. I kept forgetting to post it and then our scanner wasn't working, otherwise I would have posted it sooner. Sorry it's a little fuzzy and light-colored, that's just the way it came through. It looks better if you enlarge it. Drawn with pen.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Music of Today

Composed this today on Garage Band, without the help of loops. Spent about an hour-and-a-half writing, then couldn't come up with any more. So, this is unfinished, and hopefully I'll add on to it eventually if I can ever think of a chorus or something to move it forwards a little. :D

Winding Winter March

 I recorded this a long time ago, but since the song I'm trying to upload won't work unless it's on YouTube, here's this in the meantime. :D

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lost in The Snows Of Something or Other.

Blog Stats

Now that we've reached 1,000 views, I just thought I'd collect some random all-time blog stats for those who care.When I don't have anything to post, I post worthless things. ;)

All-time total page views: 1,100
All-time most popular post: "The Villain" (please note that the most popular posts are only the most popular because people got into conversations in the comments.)
All-time second most popular post: "asbsaflkjasdlkjasd lkhjqworiu 123" (lol)

Most used browser when viewing this webpage: Firefox (76%)
Most used operating system when viewing this webpage: Windows (84%)

And there you have it!


Quick Note

Not to make a big deal out of myself, by I just wanted to mention that I hope to post a lot more now that Lent is over. That's all. Happy Easter!

--James D. Hench


Happy Easter Sunday!

Christ has risen!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Heres a silly bit of poetry I came up with:

I am a headache. I can stay for hours,
Sometimes days. But it doest really matter,
Cause your always in a haze.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Oak

This is my (somewhat sentimental) poem that appeared on my personal blog a while back. It uses the same pattern as Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost--whatever that rhythm is called. At any rate, here it is. Hope it isn't too sappy.

An Oak once stood alone up here,
Upon this hill where we now stand.
Its roots were deep; its bows were long,
And cracks ran up and down its skin.

I used to sit below the bows;
The leaves would whisper happiness,
And as the night began to come,
Its bows would look like spider webs
Cut out against the fading sky.
And I would smile and fall asleep.

And then one day a great storm came
And blew the tree until it fell,
And as it fell I dreamed it said
“Do not fear nor grieve for me
For whence I came I’ll come again,
Another tree will stand up here.”

Now look down near your foot and see,
The young oak tree begins to grow.
And long from now the oak will stand
 And you will sleep under its limbs.

Approaching the 1,000 Page View Mark!

Announcement to all our fans out there: We are approaching the 1,000 page views mark! Keep your eyes open for it folks. We'll have to post something special on the day we reach that momentous sum, Coyle, Todd, and Christopher.

Keep watching that page view gauge!



      The other night I was thinking of ways to record on my piano. I'd been having trouble with my microphone since all I had was my eleven-year-old iBook mic, and suddenly I wondered what the quality of my phone microphone was since I'd heard what recorded voices messages were like, also knowing that the phone had a built in sound check and edit which removed buzz and cut down loud sound.
      Of course, phones don't just have a recording setting. However, as we all know, if you call someone and they're busy you can leave a message. So I called my gmail voice account, turned the phone on "speaker" so it would take in all the sound in the area, and started playing the piano. I just put my hands on the keys and followed any particular pattern of notes that came into my head, so there's true no tune, and since it's an improvisation I won't be able to play the song again in the future, but you can listen to it here from my google voice account.