
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Drawings 2

      This is pretty much what I've been drawing since I last posted. :) Click "Read More" to view all of the drawings.


  1. Wow, what a diverse arrangement! LOL Everything from extravagant elvish girls to tooth-ed chickens with Al Capone hats. XD I think my favourite is the very last one--the hands are quite realistic! And it's got such a tone of simplicity and order about it. The eye close-up is great, too, especially with the "glint" of light across the eye--great affect.
    I like the second picture, too. Reminds me (whether you meant it exactly like this or not) of that one line from the famous hymn:
    "The dying thief rejoiced to see that Fountain in his day,
    "And there have I, though vile as he, washed all my sins away..."

    Can't wait for more! I was so happy to see two new posts in such a short amount of time! :D


  2. Yes, great drawings old boy. As you know I've seen them before, but they're still great! I like the fourth one and the last one best.


  3. James,
    Love the quote from Chesterton, btw!


  4. Dalu,
    LOL! About the second picture: though I was imagining Christian messages that could be taken from it while I drew, it's actually just a picture of a scare-crow that fell off of its pole, so, a dead scare-crow. :)

    -- Coyle

  5. Ben,
    Ha, ha, ha! Wow, that had to be one of the worst Dalu Interpretations I've come up with yet! Well, I guess I was sort of right, since you were imagining that while meaning something else. :P
    I wondered why he looked so...hollow?...papery? Guess I was just thinking that he was probably a ruined thief instead of a successful one, you know. Now, it makes perfect sense. :P

