
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Game Designing

      Some of you may know that I used to do a lot of game designing, and though I don't do a lot anymore because the program I did it with kinda broke, I was able to finish one game and post it online. You can download it from here: Swim With The Fish
      The controls for playing the game are as directed on the download page.

      Enjoy! (Hopefully I programmed it right. :P Sorry about the poor looking graphics, too; I didn't really spend a lot of time on this game. LOL)


  1. Oh no! Apparently the worms that the fish is supposed to collect stick to the wall and make the game way to easy. :P LOL I can't really edit it, either! XD

  2. As another note this game only works on Windows PC. I tried it on Mac and it doesn't play since it's an exe. file.

  3. LOL! What a shark! Those teeth are vicious, chap! The fish really look like gaming fish from an older system--great job!
    Say, what do the fish at the bottom of this blog think about this game of yours? :P LOL


  4. LOL! Yeah, I didn't put a lot into the images for the fish. :D Least they look retro kinda. XD
    HA-ha! I guess I haven't talked to them: I assume they'd would mine making friends, though. XD


  5. Ben,
    Ha! LOL, actually I meant, What would your fish think about the shark EATING the other fish? :P


  6. Dalu,
    LOL! I suppose the fish would be rather sad about THAT! XD

  7. Unfortunately my computer couldn't run the game. Looks cool though...

    The fish at the bottom of our screen said they didn't mind that much and also that they were hoping we'd change their water color from inky-black to blue. They say that they can't see a thing under water in that darkness.
