
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Glorified Stick Figure

I started with a stick-figure to get the shape of the person right, and then just made them slightly less stick-like. :)


  1. Question, why is it glorified?
    I suppose I'm not supposed to pay attention to the title am I now? :D

  2. Linnette,
    LOL, it's "glorified" because it's like a stick figure with really thin arms, but more of a realistic face and outfit. :P :D
    LOL, I guess not. :D

  3. I love it! The whole scene is great, but especially the proportions! The barrels and lines and things look like some of the pre-artwork I've seen for LOTR! I like the tone, too--kind of a sweet, lonely feel. ;D Keep 'er up!


  4. Dalu,
    Thanks! LOL, actually, the reason a lot of the angles are there is because the barrels used to be up against a wall, and I realized that if a person was to actually recreate the scene in real life, the barrels would be half-way into the original wall. :P Therefore, I had to make an indent to put them in so there were no overlapping dimensions. :D
    I think I missed out on that art-work, too. :P I guess I miss a lot of things. LOL

    Thanks for commenting!

    -- Coyle

  5. Ben,
    Well! That was a clever bit of work! I never would have thought that that would be the reason the nook was there! :P
    D'ye mean ye missed out on the LOTR artwork? :O Or are ye talking about something else? The LOTR artwork is on my set of the film trilogy, and we've got a lot of it in Scare's Return of the King game, but most of it I got to see in a big, picture-filled book of LOTR from the library. Of course, I'll find out you were talking about something totally different, now. :P LOL!

    Toodles, as Bone-Appeteet would say!


    1. Dalu,
      LOL! I think we're on the same page, actually; though I think I had misplaced one of the pages in my memory, which I just remembered about. I HAVE seen that art, I think. :D I got the one book from the library, and my older brother bought one of them. LOL, what system/platform is his Return of the King game for? I think we have that for Game Boy Advance. :D

      Ha ha! I haven't talk with Bone-Appeteet in forever. :P Is the creation lab still running at all, or do you talk with him on the message boards? :D

      -- Coyle

  6. Ben,
    Ha! I had to shuffle through the pages in my head myself. Glad ye found yours! Was it "The Lord of the Rings: Weapons and Warfare" that ye got? I LOVE that book--it provides real inspiration for my drawings. Or was it the one about the making of the trilogy?
    His is for PS2, actually. Have ye chaps got one of those? Game Boy LOTR??? I thought they didn't sell it for Game Boy because it was more for teens.
    Oh, I haven't talked with the good chap forever myself. :( The creation lab is still down, and I haven't been on the message boards. I wouldn't even know where to look for him there. :P LOL


  7. Dalu,
    LOL, so I was wrong: I was evidentally thinking of two other books. :P LOL, I think one was called "Tolkien's World" or something. The two books you mentioned don't sound familiar anyway.
    LOL, we have a PS2 but I guess we don't have a LOTR game for it; we do have one for GameCube, however. :D Oh yes, the one for Game Boy is actually rated T, so it is for teens. :) Not all Game Boy games are for little kids. :D
    That's too bad! It's also too bad that Lego Universe had to stop like that; if it had kept going, I'm sure the creation lab wouldn't've gone like that. :P LOL

    -- Coyle

  8. Ben,
    Ha! We're both off track, I guess! I was thinking of books about the LOTR films, and you were thinking of books about the LOTR books! I've heard of Tolkien's World--somewhere. Probably I saw it in the listing at the library. I'll have to look for it. Was it good?
    Oh, you ought to get a LOTR game for it, then--if ye can even find it. They came out with this big series or something for PS3 (I think) just about Aragorn, but I don't know what it's about. The first PS2 game was rather bad, I must admit. The figures were too stiff, and you couldn't pick who you wanted to be. The Return of the King is really fun--Scare and I beat it twice over, I think. :P ANYWAY, over with my game reviews. :P
    That's funny! I was under the impression that most of them were rated E or E10+. All my game boy years, and I never knew it. :P Really! :P LOL
    Yes! In fact, if they had just got rid of LU the game (bad enough), at least they could have kept the lab, which was about long before that. I'm sure the lab wouldn't have died at all. :( ;)


  9. Dalu,
    LOL! So much confusion. Or at least some of it. I don't know. I'm so confused. :P XD
    It was great! In fact, a lot of the settings for the films were based off of the art in it; a lot of the main artists in the book helped with the films, particularly one Alan Lee whose watercolor works are awesome. :D I think they may have slightly animated some of his paintings and used them for backdrops in Rivendell and things, though I'm not sure. Maybe someone was just joking about that. XD I remember hearing that, anyway. :D
    (I'm listening to some of the new Narnia music by David Arnold right now. Not that it matters, LOL)
    Yeah, I probably should get a new LOTR game; I remember hearing about a game based on the Hobbit book which reminded me of the Legend of Zelda slightly, but I can't remember what system it was for.
    I hate games with stiff characters! Sounds too much like the LOTR game for GameCube, LOL. The reason we stopped with our LOTR game actually was because we got to one part and played for hours and hours at it and there was honestly no way to beat it. At least we couldn't find anyway, LOL. Back then whenever we could beat a game we'd say that it was "glitched" and the put it away somewhere until someone got it out again and realized that there actually was a way through the particular problem.

    Right! I guess they were probably frustrated that they're game was a fail, so to get back at anyone who didn't buy it, they removed the creation lab as pay-back, LOL. The creation lab could have just gone on forever people liked it so much. :P They should have made another gallery like it or something just so all the fans of the lab wouldn't feel so lost when it left. :)

    -- Coyle

  10. Ben,
    Now you're confusing me! :P LOL
    Really? OH, YEAH, ALAN LEE! He's one of my favourite artists! He's done a lot of the artwork for Tokien's books, ye know, I think when Tolkien was still alive...I think. :P I could sit and look at his watercolours and sketches for hours. :P LOL Ha, I would hardly be surprised if they did that! I know that got a lot of it from Lee and Howard, regardless.
    Oh, Narnia music! What's your favourite selection? I like the charge for the Battle of Bru-something from the first film. Scare and I sing that sometimes when something epic happens. :P
    Hmmm...well, I got The Hobbit game for Gameboy, but it probably is for other systems.
    Ha, ha, ha! "It's glitched"! That's hilarious. I don't know how many times when Scare and I were playing the bonus levels "The Palantir of Saruman" or "The Palantir of Sauron" that we said, "It's impossible! They make these games so you fail! You're not supposed to win! I'm suing!" and the like. :P Naturally, we beat both of them. :P
    That's right! Let's get the LU people! I'm building up a law suit! :P LOL


  11. Dalu,
    Hm, I guess I don't remember that Narnia track. :P From the first one, you say? Huh. I have to see if I have it! LOL, we used to sing one LOTR track whenever something epic happened! XD Must be universal for geeks and nerds and the like. :D

    -- Coyle

  12. Ben,
    Probably because I got the name wrong. :P LOL Yeah, must be the thing for us nerds. :P XD


  13. Dalu,
    LOL, yeah, today I was like "I'm just going to look that track up to see what she's talking about." Then, of course, I too found out that you had the name wrong. :D
